10 Best Applications of Infrared Transmitting Acrylic You need to know

From safer cars to smarter cameras, infrared transmitting acrylic is everywhere. Learn how this special plastic is improving our lives in unexpected ways.

Infrared-transmitting Acrylic is an advanced material that blocks UV rays and visible light while allowing infrared radiation to pass through. Its unique properties make it ideal for use in a diverse range of applications across various industries.

You will find it effectively incorporated into infrared cameras used in security systems. Plus, drivers use it in windshields, rearview mirrors, and other sensors of their automobiles for better visibility, defrosting, and advanced driver assistance. In fact, you will find it in medical technology as well. This includes infrared therapy equipment and medical imaging devices where robust IR transmissions are necessary.

But that’s just the beginning! Keep reading and learn more amazing applications of infrared-transmitting acrylic.

10 Most Common Uses of Infrared-Transmitting Acrylic

Heating Elements

Infrared acrylic is effectively used in various elements related to heat production, like ovens or food warming trays. Most acrylic sheets have a thermal conductivity of 0.19–0.2 W/(m⋅°C), making them ideal for use in applications where heat retention is desired. This material distributes heat evenly without significant heat loss and even enhances energy efficiency.

It’s also durable and resistant to high temperatures. Plus, with its transparency, you can even monitor the performance of heating elements like ceramic or quartz heaters.

Remote Control Covers

The infrared acrylic is ideal for use in remote controls for TVs, stereos, and other electronics. The sheet effectively allows IR to pass the infrared signals from the remote sensor while blocking the irrelevant light source.

As a cover for the infrared LED, it protects the LED and internal components from dust and damage. It is also lightweight and comfortable to hold, which enhances the user experience.

Lighting Fixtures

You will find infrared transmitting PMMA to use in various lighting fixtures. The high transparency of the material ensures maximum light transmission while ignoring harmful UV and other light sources.

The best part is that the material enhances the efficiency of LED and incandescent lights with improved heat dissipation abilities.


With the advancement of technology, infrared-transmitting acrylic is also efficiently incorporated into automobiles for various applications. It is primarily found in infrared cameras in automobiles that enhance your night vision experience. The material used in cameras detects heat transmission and helps drivers detect objects, such as pedestrians, animals, and other vehicles.

The material’s durability even withstands harsh automotive environments that may include extreme temperatures and vibrations.

Medical Equipment

Different grades of acrylic infrared transmitting sheets are used in various medical elements where IR transmission and UV blockage are necessary. This may include applications such as:

  • Medical Imaging Equipment: IR acrylic incorporates infrared cameras and sensors, helping doctors see heat patterns and blood flow in patients’ bodies.
  • Therapeutic Devices: The material used in various therapeutic devices where the emitted safest IR improves the local blood circulation and reduces muscle tension.
  • Laboratory Instruments: Beyond all that, you will find the sheet on protective barriers and lenses in instruments where protecting samples from UV exposure is necessary.

Security and Surveillance

Various robust security and surveillance equipment incorporate the infrared-transmitting acrylic sheet to enhance the overall security system. You will mostly find it in security cameras.

The material allows infrared light to pass through and ensures cameras and sensors capture clear, accurate footage even in low-light conditions. It helps maintain the effectiveness of night vision capabilities and thermal imaging. Plus, its durability and high resistance to environmental factors make it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.

Optical Components

Due to its unique properties, IR acrylic is widely used in various optical components. It is found in thermal imaging cameras, night vision devices, and IR spectroscopy equipment.

The sheet mainly allows the transmission of infrared light from these elements and controls the wavelengths of light to reach. The high IR transmitting capabilities (850 to 1100) ensure the reliable and efficient performance of these optical applications.

Infrared Photography/Filters

Most of the camera lenses are designed to focus infrared, which is essential for capturing clear and sharp IR images. This is where you will find IR acrylic, which effectively transmits IR and blocks visible light.

This gives the photographer the desired IR effect in photos. This filter is also used in photography, mainly for unique artistic effects. The photographer captures unique effects like white leaves and dark skies where you can’t see the details with the naked eye.

Military Applications

Due to its adaptability, strength under high pressure, and transparency, infrared-transmitting acrylic is a valuable part of military applications. It allows the infrared sensors and cameras to operate effectively by transmitting critical infrared signals.

Its durability withstands extreme conditions and makes it ideal for submarine windows and airplane cockpits.


Infrared-transmitting acrylic is now widely used in robotics as well. You will find them in robot vacuum cleaners and cameras. The high IR transmission abilities of the sheet let infrared sensors work effectively and help robots detect and avoid obstacles.

These sensors emit IR light and detect reflections from nearby objects, allowing the robot to navigate its environment.

In Closing

Infrared-transmitting acrylic is a game-changer across multiple industries. Its remarkable ability to block UV rays and visible light while allowing infrared radiation makes it an invaluable material for security systems, cars, medical technology, and many more.

But to make the most of this material, ensure that you choose the sheet with absolute specifications for your industry purpose. Consider using it in new designs or upgrading existing systems and experiencing the enhanced performance and efficiency yourself.

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